четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

Email extractor from websites.

I would like to tell you about nice email extractor application. It extracts email addresses from websites. Sometimes you don't know where your leads hang on but you might have some keywords which describe your business. Use these keywords in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google.

Imagine the situation: you have a great product/service you create and you don't know how to make it famous. How to get your audience/customers know about your product/service? You have to advertise it somehow. Extract emails from sites Enter the site name you want to scan and extract email addresses. It is a fact that lots of people have emails. It happens that people leave contact info such as phones, emails on websites.

Email extractor may harvest emails from mail boxes, documents. In some cases you don't have desire to scan the whole site for emails . Just enter pages urls and email extractor will do the work for you. Email extractor software is useful if you have to contact customers and make advertisement campaigns.

Do you know where your potential customers hang on on internet ? I believe they are sit on blogs, forums, websites, social networks. One of the best ways to sell your product/service is to contact customers directly by email address, phone. In some situations you don't know websites you need to extract emails from but you know some keywords describing your customers. All you need to do is to type keywords in the textbox of application and click search inside email extractor.

You can find all email addresses from text files. How to take out their contact information such as emails from forums and blogs ? One of the ways is to search them manually by using any search engine or let this work do to email extractor which automates the process. Email extractor may search, extract, harvest email addresses on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or in any other place where customers are concentrated.

вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Published another rating of corruption in 2010

Russia ranked 154th in the world corruption perception index.
Published another rating of the international organization Transparency International. It shows the level of corruption in the bureaucracy in the countries included in the list of CPI. In 2010, Russia in this list down to 8 positions - from 146 to 154th.

Among the countries with the lowest corruption rating listed as heads of Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore, scored 9.3 points on a 10- point scale. The fourth and fifth places are shared by Finland and Sweden. In sixth place raspolozhalas Canada, in the seventh - the Netherlands. Further there are Australia, Switzerland and Norway.

Ukraine, add 12 points and moved up from 146 seats, won the 134- th line of the list.

Lower than in Russia, have levels of corruption in Iran, Zimbabwe and Mexico, and close the list of 178 countries in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia.

Analysts Transparency International noted that the deterioration of Russian indicators contributed to the lack of proper control over the income of high-ranking officials, ...

Report on corruption in the world, published annually since 1995, writes NEWSru. com. The index shows the level of perceived corruption in the public sector in the country and is based on data from surveys conducted among experts and the business community of a country, reflecting their opinions about the level of corruption in state structures.

воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.

MS VC Summit 2008 Day One

First impressions of. Microsoft VC Summit 2008.

The event takes place in Mountain View, California (very close to Guugla ).

It drew about 50 people, a large group of Microsoft courting.

many Russians. Of those I know - Alexander Johnson ( DFDzh ), Arthur Baganov, Alex Gurevich ( DFDzh ), Sergei Eremin (Moscow of Microsoft ), Alexander Kashirin ( SBAR ). From our - I'm just Vlad Voskresensky ( InviziblSRM ).

Microsoft started an interesting case. They decided to create a venture capital infrastructure, which should have the following objectives:.

Create a bridge between entrepreneurs and investors.

Helping start-ups for a variety of areas, ranging from technical assistance, ending the search for experts who can connect for mentoring.

Use an affiliate network to promote.

It is interesting to try to present what they would like to see start-ups do not suffer from the closure strategy MS, m. e. to start-ups did not work on products that will do the MC. On the one hand it's good knowing that MS plans to employers will not risk their business by developing products that are coming on the market will be crushed by the MS marketing machine. On the other hand, if you follow this mainstream, then products such as Opera and Fayrfoks not appear. Still, more risk - more income, so I said, as the controversial issue.

Very serious people gathered, which are responsible for different areas of work with start-ups, from the vertical products, ending the geographical focus.

But it looks like this whole thing, as you can not resist - to lead. J. MS is usually attacked by start-ups, which are invested in venture funds, and thus creating favorable conditions for them to cooperate, you can buy their loyalty. access to information about what 's hot in the market currently. And everything is created so that start-ups it was hard to refuse such cooperation.

Let's see what will happen tomorrow - should be open to the idea of ​​Steve Ballmer. Let's listen to. Everything looks very tasty.

Everything looks very nice on the eve of Investdnya Blogcamp, MS signed a support, it looks as part of their strategy, which was read.

Special thanks to Alexander Orekhov, who invited me to the summit.

And who is from Ukraine still going on NevaKemp?